Live Forever Manual: 101 Practical Tips on How to Live Forever
Author: Adrian Cull (Author)
Is your body starting to creak? Do you think it’s a slippery slope to a walking frame and trying to remember the names of your children? It doesn’t have to be.
The Live Forever Manual explores the rapidly expanding life extension industry - the science, the ethics and the new companies receiving serious investment to develop anti-ageing treatments. Some of these can make you feel years younger and have already started clinical trials.
The introductory chapters covering the causes of, and strategies to prevent, ageing, is followed by a diverse collection of tips to help extend your lifespan – all based on the latest available research.
Can you really live forever?
Science is on the verge of stopping and reversing ageing, with some first-generation treatments already starting human trials. These are not crazy (and ineffective) natural remedies but cellular level repair that has only now become possible as the root causes of ageing are slowly being identified. These underlying biological processes include DNA damage, telomeres shortening, stem cell exhaustion and cellular senescence – all of which we already know ways to overcome – and with the exponential growth in technology this knowledge is rapidly turning into therapies to slow, stop and eventually reverse ageing.
At the moment it’s not possible for a human to live forever. However, medical technology is progressing so fast that it is estimated it will be a real possibility around 2035. Unfortunately, your chance of dying doubles every 8 years, so it's a critical race against time and every day counts. Therefore, it’s crucial to take measures today to improve your life expectancy, extend you healthspan, and make preparations to maximise your chances of living forever.
Radical life extension is not just about anti-ageing, i.e. preventing ageing, but about turning back the clock. To having the body and mind you had in your 20s. We’re seeing the last generation of frail centenarians – they will soon be transformed allowing them to enjoy more time with their family and learn and experience more about the world. And that world, in return, will benefit from their decades of knowledge and skill that no longer needs to be lost back to dust.
The Live Forever Manual explores this revolution in scientific discovery and considers the moral and ethical questions raised by biological immortality. It then looks at recent biotechnology advances and the investors and companies putting billions of dollars into the emerging longevity industry.
The second half of the book details the 101 practical tips you can take today to help you live long enough to live forever. As is explained in the book, nothing you do today can make you live forever, but it can make sure you live long enough – by improving your health and increasing your lifespan - so that you are still alive when the next generation of rejuvenation therapies arrive.
The scientifically backed tips cover a range of categories including:
- Accident & Emergency
- Diet
- Food & Drink
- Home
- Lifestyle
- Mental health
- Quantified self
- Supplements
- Survival
- Travel
- Treatments
- Work
These make an ideal new years resolution list for self improvement ideas
To discover more about futurist thinking and how society is facing radical changes due to changes in technology as well as people living longer, why not try some of these leading books:
- Ray Kurzweil - The Singularity Is Near, Transcend & How To Create A Mind
- Aubrey de Grey - Ending Aging
- Michael Greger & Gene Stone - How Not To Die
- Peter Diamandis – Abundance
- Michio Kaku - Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny
- Jim Mellon - Juvenescence: Investing in the age of longevity