Creating wellemart has led to a self-inquiry about why.

The first thing that came to mind is an appreciation that I have always engaged in what I loved doing and making money was never it. I appreciate that I was privileged to have had that middle-class freedom. In my teens I was in love with athletics, body building, yoga, meditation and gardening. These are all still high on my list of loves. In my early 20s and 30s I was a social change activist engaged in exploring holistic health, alternative lifestyles, permaculture and green politics. I added those to my love life!

During my psychology studies I became passionate about stress and wellness in individuals, families, organisations and societies. For example, I linked up with Professor Cary Cooper to offer workplace stress and wellness audits. Another is the inclusion of Dr Emmett Miller, MD meditation self-health sound recordings into NAM Distribution which I established in the early 80s. NAM grew to become the leading Australian distributor of “new age” healing and relaxation music and self-help products (audios, books, videos). It paid for my degrees but NAM was also a passionate love affair!

Nowadays, is my new love, enabling me to draw together all those earlier loves and share them with you, the customer. And it excites me to discover new wellness products to offer.

I’m honoured and delighted to continue sharing Dr Miller’s outstanding products including many produced this century, including the free mp3s he created during the Covid Pandemic.

I hope you’ll want to keep in touch and updated via the blog page and as a subscriber to the Wellemart eNewsletter. Please do so. In addition, there's the online Whole Life Times Magazine - see Free Resources menu and/or on the VISION page.

Appreciation and love is the inner spring of my life and work.
From this springs well-being, health and wellness.
Wellemart is the means to share that with you
I look forward to being of service.

Namaste, Denis

31 Dec. 2020